Despite his own discomfort, his main focus was on greeting me and letting me know he loves me. I knew that in his heart he was on his hind legs leaping and spinning with excitement like the puppy he once was. If that's not loyalty and unconditional love, I don't know what is. -- Pete Zahut
I cup my hand round her tiny calico face and compress her from ears to end down the length of her slender body. Repeat. And repeat. If l stop she will nip my thumb again. A sweet little tyrant. But l am hers now. -- humbled
I vowed I would never put myself through this emotional trauma ever again my body wouldnt be able to take it. -- smiddy
Yes it sad when they die but we look at the life they would not have had and the joy they have given us. -- Still Totally ADD
I want to be everything my cat believes himself to be. -- slimboyfat
I take being human as it is, with its good traits and bad traits. -- scratchme1010
A thread calling out for a cute hedgehog picture. -- Amelia Ashton
Thanks for your fine comments. Words to remember.
I'll be caring for a "comfort" dog for an entire week, and, true to the name, he does provide comfort. He helps to destress me because I allow him to by concentrating on him and his needs.